Monday, August 31, 2015


 Here is the link to the first video I've made, It was such a different art making experience than what I've had before and I am excited to work on other ideas.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


2' x 3' (Mixed Media on Canvas) This piece started out as only 2-dimensional with the acrylic and embroidery thread, but once I came back from Precollege I added the 3-dimensional element and keeping the monochromatic look within each bean shape.


2' x 4' (Acrylic on Wood, Yarn, Felt, Fabric, Pipe Cleaners, Nails) I loved being playful with this piece and messy, and incorporated woven yarn which I want to use in more pieces.

Monday, August 24, 2015


(Cardboard, Chickenwire, Plaster, Found objects) This was a 3 piece series created during my time at Precollege. I wanted to create a sense of movement, like they are drooping down the steps. I thought a lot about natural disaster and what could be the aftermath.


(Ink screen printed on bed sheet, and carved plaster with watercolor) This piece was created during my time at Precollege this summer, I combined techniques from both my screen printing class and sculpture class. I had fun playing with the presentation and how I draped the printed bed sheet, making it look parallel to the carved plaster.